
Motivation for different people

Traditional Motivation doesn't work for everyone.

Not all people are motivated the same. 

Some people are motivated less by the values of fame, success, achievement, influence or power.

This doesn’t mean they shouldn’t make their mark on the world. 

It simply means they find it difficult to be driven by traditional types of motivation.

This is where alt-motivation comes in. 

A philosophy and system based on Edward Mark Vero’s understanding of the ancient art of Karma Yoga.

Who is Alt-motivation for ?

People who make their own meaning

Altmotivation supports people who don’t belong to any one social circle or subculture. It’s for liminal people, who move between groups and create individual meaning – but struggle with with taking that meaning into the world.

People who are great at thinking, but not so great at acting.

Part of the problem in the world today is the people who think, find it difficult to act and project their reality into the world. Good at deconstructing, but find it difficult to project their reality into a world that really needs it.

People who want to take the next step after meditation & yoga, but don't want to be a monk

Altmotivation is based on the ancient Indian practice of karma yoga, a philosophy of creating unity between an individual’s inner and outer sense of meaning. If you’ve ever struggled with how dismissive of the material world many meditation philosophies can be, karma yoga is the perspective for you.

People who can maintain contradictions

It can be confusing when you’re able to see both sides of things. It can lead you to doubt your actions, and rarely build up enough motivation because you can always see the good arguments to why you shouldn’t do something. Importantly, people who can see the other side of their actions is precisely who should be acting and engaging with the world the most!

Altmotivation & Karma Yoga

Alt-motivation is a modern term for Edward Mark Vero’s insights into the ancient practices of Vedic-based Karma Yoga.

Karma yoga was an ancient practice designed for everyone to take what they’ve learnt from yoga into the world.

Here’s some of our perspectives on it. 



"Yoga is Skill in Action"

This is a famous line about karma yoga in the bhagavad gita, an ancient indian text. It means that you haven't achieved yoga, until you can act in the world skillfully. Yoga isn't about not acting, it's about bringing intelligent, clear, meaningful and fruitful actions into the world.

Make plans, break plans

Not all philosophies around meditation are against planning and just "going with the flow". Altmotivation's understanding of Karma yoga is all about using the mind powerfully. To develop skills in decision making, planning, goal making - and then using meditative skills to adapt effortlessly and naturally when plans need to shift.

Grow your material world

Alt-motivtation, being based on karma yoga, believes that your inner life, and your outer life aren't in competition. That it's entirely possible to develop your material environment to support and influence the world around you in your unique way, and continue your meditative practices and mindset. In fact, it's your responsibility!

Unlikely leaders

The world needs people like you. Who question themselves, who can move between social groups, who can see both sides of an issue. Generally these people have trouble being traditionally motivated - but some of the most influential people in human history were just like that. Unlikely leaders in their environment. Altmotivation, based on karma yoga, is the unique form philosophy for people just like you.

Inner & outer development in one

Modern life has some wild demands. Build meaningful, sustainable, personal freelance or self-employed business, and work out old traumas, and expand your consciousness, and develop your own unique meaning for life, and develop powerful habits, and learn how to let go and enjoy so you don't burn-out. Alt-motivation's perspective on karma yoga helps us unify these material and spiritual worlds, and reduces the overwhelm.

How it works.

After a decade of working with meditation and the ancient philosophy of karma yoga, Altmotivation’s founder, Edward Mark Vero, developed a method to pass on the knowledge. 

These days, most things around development are incredibly expensive online courses, but we feel they can leave out people who would benefit most.

That’s why instead we’ve created three unique mentor groups, for each part of the altmotivation journey. These groups meet each week for a monthly fee. It’s kind of a netflix subscription for developing meaning and impact on the world. 

We know that instead of overly complex systems, that you use once and forget about, instead, all the knowledge is in the experience of the teacher and students – and their consistent interaction. It’s not one big course that changes anything, it’s community, support, and guidance for you months, years and decades into the future. 


Meditation Course + Mentor Group



/for 3 months*

Vero Approach Meditation Course 

Weekly online mentor group

Community channel for support 

Resources, Books and more

3 free techniques/courses per year

Alt-motivation Mentor Group



/ per month

Weekly online mentor group

Community channel for support 

Resources, Books and more

3 free techniques/courses per year

*25eu for 3months – buy our vero approach meditation course and get 3 months of 50% discount on your monthly mentor group!

This helps make sure you’re meditating daily and consistently as well!

Altmotivation Mentor Group Reviews!

Nice Application
Alissa Peterson
Great Support
Anna Clarck
Awesome Features
Olindra Gotham
Fast & Furious
Michael Anderson
Gorgeous Design
Tema Osborn
Life Changer
James Cameroon

Buy & Download our "Altmotivation - Vedic-Based Karma Yoga" book now!